I started writing on a site called 750words.com, which is exactly what the name implies. You are encouraged to write every day, at least 750 words, and there are small "rewards" in the form of "badges" for consecutive days written, and for writing with no "distractions", etc. There is also a "stats" page that displays after every post so you can track different aspects of how you write, with frequently used words, and some psychological data as well, as they somehow have a way to analyse the post itself, and can give you personal feedback on what it is you are writing about, in a general form. Feedback such as how you feel, if you write about yourself or others, and what subject you wrote about most, such as religion or money, etc. Check it out yourself if you're finding it hard to write in your blog, or anywhere else for that matter, it's pretty cool. It helps you order your thoughts, even when you weren't planning to or are unable to for whatever reason. It's completely locked down, so you can write whatever you want and no one can see, so it sort of works like a journal or a diary, if that's what you choose to turn it into. I find it works well to just get whatever thoughts I'm thinking out in a more permanent form, and it promotes those thoughts moving forward instead of going in circles in my mind for days on end. So try it out, you may find it to be both enjoyable and therapeutic, as I have.
In other news, I've gotten more into "the groove" at my new Walmart, and have adjusted pretty well to the different management style they employ. Life at home has improved as well. There doesn't seem to be as much stress as before, though it will still be better when I can find my own place, and Bella doesn't have to put up with me being around ALL the time (except when I'm at work of course). LOL
Christmas was........well, to be honest, quiet. I was here by myself a lot of the past few days, while Bella and Jack and Alex spent time with their family. Christmas morning was the least chaotic I have ever seen, but that's mostly due to the fact that Alex is the only child in the house, and therefore got ALL the presents lol. I myself got 3 presents, much to my surprise, and it was a good day.
It's going to be an interesting New Year's too, as my schedule has me in "off a day, work a day" mode for most of that week. I'm off New Year's Eve, work New Year's Day, and then off the day after, work the day after that, and then off again the day after that. By the time I go back to work that Thursday and have to work 4 days straight through Sunday (my normal schedule), I won't know what to do with myself, having so many "single" days worked. Should be fun to have what will feel like a full week "off". I mean, sandwiching a day of work in between 2 days off never really feels like a real work day, and then to have it happen for a full 5 days, well, that'll be like a mini vacation lol.
I have a lot to look forward to in the coming year. From the communication I have had with my ex, there may in fact be a divorce in my near future. If she did somehow manage to file, that's great, but I don't see how she could have done so. But, she mentioned in an email to me that "it won't be long", and that they (the lawyers involved I assume) were trying to arrange it for my visits with the kids to be supervised, and that she was trying to change that. She didn't mention any more than that. She has not been forthcoming with information in that regard, and the only reason I can see for her doing that is that she wants it to happen the way SHE wants it, which is not really in her power to arrange. Only she doesn't seem to know that. The child support amount will not change, no matter what she wants, and as far as any visits are concerned, there are rules, none of which she can circumvent or get an exception to, as they are put in place to make things fair for both parties involved. So, I'm just biding my time, until I receive legal notice from someone with the authority to make those decisions before I talk to her about it or take any action of my own. I know her well enough to know that she uses these sly tactics to try to bait me into doing her bidding, and this time I'm not fueling that fire. 'Nuff said.
That's about it for now. I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season, and that you all have a fantastic New Year. Talk to you soon!