
Thursday, December 16, 2010

I'm still alive, thankfully

Well I can't believe it's been 4 days since I last posted, but I guess it has.......

The 30 days posts will continue, but today I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive, I had a bit of an accident over the weekend though, with the weather the way it was. I lost control of my car traveling down the interstate in the snow, and ended up in the ditch in the center median. I'm fine, no injuries, and the only damage my car suffered was a bent wheel. I even managed to pull myself out and continue on unaided, which I consider to be a miracle.

So all I have to say right now is for everyone to please drive carefully, and be safe as you go and visit your loved ones this holiday season. I'll return to the 30 days posts soon, but right now I have some things going on and I'm just not in the right state of mind to post them. I want to talk about what's going on with me, but right now I'm not in the right mind to do that either, but soon, I promise.

Talk to you soon everyone :)

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